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ACTS Prayers

Praying can take on many forms. Often a simple, desperate, “God, help me. I need You,” is all that we can do. Other times, our hearts are filled with thanksgiving because of a huge blessing we’ve experienced, and we spend extended time thanking God.

I talk to God (pray) in different ways throughout my day, most often focused on requests. But I’ve learned the importance of balance in my prayer life.

One method that covers different components of prayer in a more balanced way is using the acronym ACTS. My Moms in Prayer group uses this method to spend focused time in prayer on each element. This can be a formula for daily prayer time. I know people who journal their prayers and devote space to each category. In addition to covering all four aspects in one sitting, I regularly break up these components, focusing on different categories at different times of the day.

Adoration (praise): Focusing on who God is, His character and attributes. It’s not thanking Him for what He has done for me (that’s another component), but instead acknowledging the qualities that are part of His very nature. This blog is focused on Praising God. I like to start my day with Praise, even if I don’t move through all the other prayer aspects at the same time.

Confession: Agreeing with God that I sin and fall short of His perfect standard. Many times I’m well aware of my sin! I know how my words were hurtful, my thoughts were unkind, my actions were selfish. Other times, I ask the Holy Spirit to convict me. Psalm 139:23-24. Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.

As a Christian, sin won’t keep me from heaven, but it will hinder my close walk with Jesus. Confession restores intimacy and renews my relationship. I’m admitting where I’ve missed the mark, acknowledging my need for a Savior because I’m not good enough on my own, and accepting His gracious forgiveness. I try to confess as I’m aware of sin, but I also review my day at bedtime, inviting God’s conviction and then spending prayer time in confession. The Holy Spirit also convicts me as I read the Bible, highlighting areas of sin and inviting me to confess.

Thanksgiving: Thanking God for specific answered prayers and blessings. Everything good in my life comes from God, the Blessing-Giver. I want to regularly express gratitude for how He is working. Like Confession, I try to have a thankful heart throughout the day, but I also review my day at bedtime, thanking Him for specific ways He has helped, comforted, guided, intervened.

Supplication/Specific Requests: Praying about my needs and interceding for the needs and requests of  others. I pray for my family and keep a list of prayer requests that I regularly update. Most of these prayers do focus on my immediate circle, so I have to be intentional in remembering to pray for the government and those in authority, the Church, various missions and ministries, injustice, and persecution. I’m still growing in the area of bringing every request (even the ones that don’t seem to directly impact me or those I love) to God. Philippians 4:6. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

One more important component of prayer that isn’t included in the ACTS method is silence, spending time allowing God to speak to me through the Holy Spirit. Meditating on Bible verses or reading longer Scripture passages has often been the springboard for me to slow down and listen to what God has to say to me personally. He might reassure me of His love, guide me in a decision, calm my anxiety, point out an area of sin, or show me where He is working. Prayer is two-way communication, and God longs to speak to me when I’m ready to listen.

My goal is to spend time daily in prayers of praise, confession, thanksgiving, and specific requests along with quiet reflection. It doesn’t have to be complicated, elaborate, or time-consuming. But it’s all part of growing in communicating with God.

ACTS Prayers: Text
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